I'm not going to make a title for this blog just because I don't think I have to, and you don't have to read it also...

I really am back to my old high school self. Researching songs like (this time for design inspiration or runway reference), playing burnout revenge on playstation 2, sleeping in early morning and waking up in the evening,etc.
Btw, I currently thinking of buying a ticket to see MGMT live in concert on march next year. *crosses fingers* too many concerts, too little time, They even plan iron maiden concert here in Jakarta!!! Jakartajam 2011, four year strong and set your goals, two doors cinema club, asking Alexandria. And even too much more to bear and not watch. ):
I have to watch at least one!!!! And buy shoes, and buy ipod docks, and keep on being the geek I have been half these time
Todayigotso manyquestionsin my head. What will i do next? What will I become? Whyamiconfused, going through a second puberty? WhAt's gonna happen if I die? Who will cry or who will be happy? Why do Mosquitos flyaround me and bite me? Why do I have so many boogers today?
Ah enough for today. Gonna listen to listen to etid and sleep if tumblr still dont work.